history of science UDC 58(09)
PLANT BREEDER AND SCIENTIST: TO THE 120TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF TIT TROFIMOVICH TROFIMOV (1900-1985) Golikov K. A. Cand. Sci. (biological), senior researcher; the Earth Science Museum of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; Moscow, Russia;
iris750@gmail.com Abstract. Tit Trofimovich Trofimov (1900-1985) – Russian geobotanist, ethnographer-historian, plant introducer, organizer and the first head of the arboretum on the new territory of the Botanical garden of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University on the Lenin (Vorobyovy) Hills, сreator of the collection and the plant breeder of sea buckthorn (
Hippophaë rhamnoides L.), the author and co-author of more than ten varieties. T.T. Trofimov is a participant in the Great Patriotic War, awarded the Order of Glory III degree and the Order of Patriotic War II degree, and many medals. The sphere of scientific interests of T.T. Trofimov included the study of flora and vegetation in the Central zone of European Russia, Southern Kyrgyzstan, and the Far East, as well as research in the field of phenology, biology of the development of wood and shrub plants, their introduction and acclimatization. His local history research concerned Central Russia, as well as the local history of the nomadic economy of Mongolia.
Keywords: Botanical garden, Moscow University, arboretum, sea buckthorn, geobotany, T. T. Trofimov, the Great Patriotic war (1941-1945)
history of science UDC 54(091)
CATALOGUE OF GREEK ALCHEMICAL MANUSCRIPTS BY M. A. SHANGIN Vinnik M.A.1, Pushkova A.A.2 1, 2 Editorial board of journal "Climate&Nature"; Moscow, Russia,
e-mail: mail@klipr.ru
Abstract. Mstislav Antoninovich Shangin (1896-1942) is a Soviet classic philologist, historian of Bizantium and paleographer, took part in two major international projects – Catalog of Greek astrological manuscripts (Catalogus codicum astrologorum graecorum. Tomus XII. Codices rossicos descripsit Mstislav Antonini F. Šangin) and Catalogue of Greek alchemical manuscripts. The first book was published in Brussels in 1936 and was highly appreciated by the publisher CCAG Fr.Cumont. As for the second Catalog, we know from the correspondence between M. Shangin and V. Vernadsky that in May of 1936 the manuscript was passed to the publishing house of Directorate of the Catalogs of Alchemical Manuscripts of the International Academic Union. This information is confirmed by the letter of Mr. A. Delatte we found in the RAS archive in the Fund of the Institute of Science History and Technology, AS USSR which supervised this edition from the part of the Soviet Union. The further fate of the Catalog is not known. Perhaps, due to the Institute transfer to Moscow in 1936 and with its subsequent liquidation (1938) negotiations were stopped, and the publication never saw the light.
Key words: M. A. Shangin, Catalogue of Greek alchemical manuscripts, Institute of Science History and Technology
education UDC 374
METHODS OF CONDUCTING A CREATIVE LESSON "IN SEARCH OF METEORITES" ON THE BASIS OF THE EXPOSITION OF THE MUSEUM OF EARTH SCIENCE Vinnik М.А.1, Charugin V.M.2, Kosnyryova А.А.3 1 Dr. Sci. (Pedagogic), Leading Researcher; The Earth Science Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University; Moscow, Russia;
vin_nik@mail.ru 2 Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State Pedagogical University; Moscow, Russia
3 engineer, The Earth Science Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University; Moscow, Russia;
e-mail: kosnyreva1990@mail.ru
Abstract. In the article the example of the methodology of conducting a creative class on the basis of the exposition of The Earth Science Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University is considered. In the practical part of the lesson, all participants receive two types of tasks. Students with the help of magnets and present parameters look for the meteorites among the rocks on displayed in the museum exhibition. After finding objects students identify them and write down their names. Another task allows the students to work independently on the museum's meteorite collection. For that they need to compare photos of meteorites specified in the task with the samples presented in the museum collection.
Keywords: Museum, Museum pedagogics, creative lessons, meteorites
public administration UDC 338.24
MATERIAL INCENTIVES AND ANTI-CORRUPTION BEHAVIOUR OF PUBLIC OFFICERS Orynbassarova S.E.1, Orynbassarova Z.A.2 1 Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Kazakhstan Branch of the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov M.V.; Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan;
e-mail: s.orynbassarova@mail.ru
2Master of Finance, Business School of Economics, Stockholm University; Stockholm, Sweden;
e-mail: zorynbassarova@gmail.com
Abstract. The article deals with the questions of material incentives and anti-corruption behavior of public officials. In the research process of the theoretical foundation it was concluded that tasks set for the professionalization of the public service and improvement of its efficiency require an appropriate result-oriented system of remuneration.
By studying the problems of managing material incentives for labor to ensure anti-corruption behavior of civil servants, specific proposals have been formulated to take into account such aspects of public office that characterize its corruption risks within the framework of the factor-point assessment of the positions. Since a civil servant, whose labor activity is associated with the possibility of "unhindered" obtaining illegal benefits and advantages, in the context of a system of material incentives that is insufficient to meet his primary needs, strictly speaking, is deliberately directed to commit corruption crimes.
The results of the study on the transition to the factor-point assessment of positions as a measure of the validity of wages are presented in this article.
However, the considered factors, which are traditionally used in assessing positions for their importance and "weight", are not able to reflect the particular features of civil service.
Key words: public officers, civil service, anti-corruption, material incentives, salaries of civil servants, factor-point scale, anti-corruption behavior of public officials