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Frequency: Quarterly
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The main task of the journal “Climate&Nature" is to broadcast modern natural science research and methods of describing nature and society in order to give an idea of the complex processes of evolution.
For this, several levels of description are used (through groups of rubrics):
• Earth as a space object;
• Earth as a result of physicochemical transformations and biological activities;
• Paleoclimates and modern dynamics of climate change;
• Mechanisms in nature and society adapting to climatic and natural diversity;
• Systems for monitoring the state of the environment and legal regulation of the economic mechanism of nature management and environmental protection as a response of society to environmental changes in an attempt to preserve existing biodiversity, reduce the degree of degradation and the impact of society on the environment, harmonize nature and social development.

adaptation mechanisms to climate change
complex systems. experiment, theory, practice and discussion
economics of natural resources
energy saving
environment design
environmental monitoring
historical parks and estates
history of science
industrial ecology
landscape design
legal regulation of economic mechanism of nature and the environment
management of territories
mathematical models and methods
models of biodiversity conservation
natural and cultural heritage saving
natural hazards
nature and expressive arts
new materials, equipment & technology
public administration
rational land use
space researches
travel notes, essays, interviews

for authors
publishing agreement
the rules for submitting, reviewing and publishing scientific articles
the position of the journal
on the procedure of reviewing scientific articles
the position of the journal "Climate&Nature"
on publication ethics
editorial board
editor in chief
Vinnik M.A.
Ph.D. Leading Researcher; The Earth Science Museum at Moscow State University; Moscow, Russia; e-mail: vin_nik@mail.ru
deputy chief editor
Orynbassarova S. E.
Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Kazakhstan Branch of the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov M.V.; Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan; e-mail: s.orynbassarova@mail.ru
Shatz M.M.
Ph.D. Leading Researcher; Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Siberian Branch, RAS; The Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, Russia; e-mail: mmshatz@mail.ru
Rozgacheva I.K.
Ph.D. Researcher; Fedorov Institute of Applied Geophysics; Moscow, Russia; e-mail: rozgacheva@yandex.ru
Alexandrov E.V.
Ph.D. Leading Researcher; The Earth Science Museum at Moscow State University; Moscow, Russia; e-mail: eale@yandex.ru
technical editor
Pushkova A.A.
Moscow, Russia
Gavrikov D.S.
Ph.D. President of the National Association of Fachwerk Architecture Researchers (NOIFA); Moscow, Russia; e-mail: dennis.gavrikoff@gmail.com
Eremeeva A.I.
Ph.D. Sternberg Astronomical Institute Moscow University; Moscow, Russia; e-mail: alinaer29@gmail.com
Kirilishina E.M.
Ph.D. The Earth Science Museum at Moscow State University; Moscow, Russia; e-mail: conodont@mail.ru
Kiseleva L.M.
Ph.D. South Ural State University (National Research University); Chelyabinsk, Russia; e-mail: L212829@yandex.ru
Kuzmin S.B.
Ph.D., Leading Researcher; Institute of Geography mem. V.B. Sotchava, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences; Irkutsk, Russia; e-mail: kuzmin@irigs.irk.ru
Moloshnikov S.V.
Ph.D., Researcher; The Earth Science Museum at Moscow State University; Moscow, Russia; e-mail: molsergey@rambler.ru
Josue Mario Guardado Rodriguez
engineer; General Directorate of the Department of Forestry and Irrigation, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of the Republic of El Salvador; San Salvador, Republic of El Salvador
in the issue: some of the results of the study of the effectiveness of the quasi-public sector in Kazakhstan; the formulation of the principles of sustainable economic development; the problems of reconstruction of the Tsarevo site, a Golden Horde city of the Lower Volga region of the 14th century; questions related to the level of astronomical knowledge in Volga Bulgaria and the Golden Horde in the 10th-16th centuries; identification of the drivers for the further development of financial markets in the context of financial globalization and integration.
in the issue: facts about the family, personal life and childhood of the Soviet classic philologist, historian of Bizantium and paleographer – Mstislav Antoninovich Shangin; the discussion of the problem of differences in the content of the economy and ecology, the search for optimal approaches in assessing "real perception" and making decisions on the ecological state and economic development of modern society; a general overview of methods and approaches for assessing the ratio of the factors or forces, characterized by ecological equilibrium; modern natural and geological conditions of the Aikhal diamond mine (Yakutia).
in the issue: the short biography of Irina Viktorovna Dryagina (1921-2017) – commissar of the escadrille and a well-known biologist, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor, breeder; global climate change through the prism of science perceptions: adaptation and management (in case of the Kyrgyz Republic); the sanitary condition of the plantings of the Demidovs' «Taytsy» estate; modern cryoecological conditions of the Kyuchus gold-antimony deposit (North-Eastern Yakutia)
in the issue: the short biography of Tit Trofimovich Trofimov (1900-1985) – Russian geobotanist, ethnographer-historian, plant introducer, organizer and the first head of the arboretum on the new territory of the Botanical garden of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University on the Lenin (Vorobyovy) Hills, сreator of the collection and the plant breeder of sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides L.), the author and co-author of more than ten varieties; some search results of M.A. Shangin's Greek alchemical manuscripts catalogue; the example of the methodology of conducting a creative class on the basis of the exposition of The Earth Science Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University; the questions of material incentives and anti-corruption behavior of public officials.
in the issue: the short biography of Vinnik A.F.; some results of hyperspectral remote sensing imagery processing for summer 2010 in Tver region of Russia, where severe peat and forest fires took place; the relevance of study of permafrost dynamics main trends in environmental management in the North of Siberia and the assessment of its impact.
in the issue: theory of origin of information; the technology "Kvarit" on Mars; the hydraulic system of the parks of Gatchina; the basic principles of the organization of a unified corpus of texts of national archival depositories; “ozerki" meteorite in the lipetsk region territory.
in the issue: an overview of some relevant literature sources on hyperspectral remote sensing imagery processing; the temporal dynamics of the existing ideas on the basic trends of climate change and its consequences for the main components of geosystem in the North of Russian Federation; a brief exposition of the original method of color-light modeling for the intellectual processing of information databases, mathematical reasoning of this method for the studying of nucleotide sequences and their classification; determination of the energy of atoms.
in the issue: the biological productivity estimates retrieved from optical airborne data of high spectral and spatial resolution for the forest patterns of different species and ages within a test area; fractality of channels and ecosystem theory of evolution; new ways of prediction of earthquakes and weather changes; some aspects of gentrification in post-Soviet Moscow and a study of one of Moscow's central districts – Ostozhenka – as a prominent example of a neighbourhood-scale transformation of a once-neglected residential area into the most exclusive quarter; new paradigm for eco-design and new concepts of the future technology.
in the issue: the system of information support of atmospheric studies created by the State Public Scientific-Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPSTL SB RAS); object classes on a particular image, forest classes of different species and ages within their contours on the image, parameters of biological productivity for these forest classes; tourism as geography and art; the history of invention and first use of a unique composite material based on ice – pykrete; theoretical calculation of the energy balance of the Hg molecule.
My name is Maria Vinnik. I am a publisher.
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scientific educational journal climate&nature
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